Terms & Conditions

In using this website you are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to the following terms and conditions:

"We" or "Us" is defined as Michael D LaFerle

"You", "Your" is defined as the user of the system.

1. Privacy

We do not share any of your personal data, or the personal data of others you store on this system.

2. Warranty

We provide no warranty, explicit or implicit. You use this site at your own risk, and you should ensure the output from this system is accurate.

3. Data Encryption

The system only operates using HTTPS. We take reasonable steps to ensure security over the public Internet. User password data is stored in encrypted format. General user data, for example but not limited to, student data, lesson data, invoices, and payments, are stored unencrypted on our servers.

4. Data Accuracy

We take reasonable measures to make sure data processes in this system is accurate, but cannot guarantee that the data is always accurate. Any discrepancies here resulting in any financial issues for a user is strictly the responsibility of the user.

5. Availability

We take reasonable measures to ensure maximum availability of the system, but there will be period of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of the system which will make it unavailable to users.

6. Links

You may not link to any page of this website, other than the root domain name, without prior written consent.

7. Copyright Notice

Copyright and other relevant intellectual property rights exists on all text relating to the services and the full content of this website.

8. Data Access

Any attempt to reverse engineer or find alternate methods of access data not intended for the user is strictly prohibited.

9. Policy Changes

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time, for any reason. Your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these terms.

Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Michael D. LaFerle. All rights reserved. | Terms of Use |